Billy Graham

Whether you are a Believer or not, you knew Billy Graham. You know that he was passionate about his beliefs. Sometimes called the Protestant Pope, Billy Graham preached to millions in almost every country around the globe. 

What I remember about Billy Graham is that he, and my father, introduced me to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I remember sitting in the living room as a small child and The Billy Graham Crusades were on ABC. I would be coloring or doing homework, but his words and his tone touched my heart. He seemed, to me, like a grandfather telling us about the greatest love of all. A love that knows no bounds. A love, that no matter what His (not Graham's, God's) children did, he was merciful and gracious, loving and forgiving. 

Although I did not give my heart at a Billy Graham crusade and never met him in person, those early interactions via television, allowed me to open my heart when my heart was ready. 

I will be forever grateful to Reverend Graham for his words and his passion to tell the world of this great love. He will be forever missed, but I will meet him one day.

Celebrities and politicians are reacting, but my favorite so far has been from Billy's daughter, Ann. She said,  "My Father's legacy is one that encompasses the world…and engulfs my own life.  When I think of him, I don't think of Billy Graham, the public figure.  I think of my Daddy.  The one who was always a farmer at heart.  Who loved his dogs and his cat.  Who followed the weather patterns almost as closely as he did world events.  Who wore old blue jeans, comfortable sweaters, and a baseball cap.  Who loved lukewarm coffee, sweet ice tea, one scoop of ice cream, and a plain hamburger from McDonald's. Who was interested in everything and everyone, from the small to the great."

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